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It is outrageous that Goodyear corporate explicitly condones employee support for Black Lives Matter’s “racial justice and equity issues” but does not explicitly allow employee expressions of support for Blue Lives Matter and All Lives Matter.

Thousands of police officers have been the victims of Black Lives Matter and/or Antifa violence.  

Numerous law enforcement officers have died from riot violence and ambushes.

Black Lives Matter is a Marxist organization with goals of radically changing the American way of life starting with its stated goal of defunding police departments nationwide and destabilizing public safety.

Tens of thousands of law enforcement families live in daily fear of losing a loved one to radical leftists or losing their family’s livelihood.

If Black Lives Matter is successful in its Marxist mission the safety and welfare of millions of American families will suffer severely.

Goodyear’s statement does NOT state who created or distributed the visual and what is being done to correct it; does NOT state that the visual was NOT authorized by any level of the company or one of its agencies; explicitly allow employee workplace expressions that “advocate racial justice and equity issues;”  does not explicitly allow employee workplace expressions supporting law enforcement and the thousands of American families that have been victimized by BLM and/or Antifa violence, destruction of property and personal injury.

I will remember Goodyear's bias and doublespeak when shopping for tires.

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